Monday, February 21, 2011

Upcoming unit

I've spent the last few hours working on a mini unit (my first one ever for this blog!) and I'm pretty excited to share it with everyone. I had no idea these mini units took so long! It makes me REALLY appreciate all the hard work you teachers put into making and then sharing them.

Want to know what it's about? I'll give you four clues: it's some unit, terrific, radiant, and humble.

Did that give it away? I'm sure my teacher friends will know what I'm talking about! Hopefully it'll be done and posted later on this week.


  1. wahoo! can't wait!

    just a guess... Charlotte's Web? Some unit... some pig?? :)

  2. AHHHHHH! Charolette's Web! Love it! I read it to my kiddos every spring.

  3. Charlotte's Web! I love it and my class loves it, a unit would be great! :)

  4. Is it Charlotte's Web?! Very Cute!



This just made my day!