Monday, July 25, 2011

Copycat - Lollipop Tree

I first saw this great idea here, but then kind of forgot about it. Then the cute girls at What the Teacher Wants, did a quick blurb about it, and reminded me of what a great and easy idea this was. The kiddos will love it and I love the all the bright colors (I just now spray painted the pot a light blue). I also colored the bottom of ~ 20 of the sticks with a marker so the kids who pull that lollipop will get an extra prize...I'm not sure what it'll be though.

School starts back up in less than a month...ready or not!

1 comment:

  1. I did see this and I liked the idea. I did something similar for principal's day, but I put three heart around the bottom of the sucker so it looked like a flower and then I put them in a flower pot. I put half of a styrofoam ball on the top so they would stick in the pot and had all my kids sign the pot with a paint pen.
    Just another idea.
    Come share with me.


This just made my day!