Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Welcome Back Postcards

Today I was at my favorite local teacher store and I was about to buy some cute postcards to send to my students to get them excited for first grade, when I though, 'I bet I could make something similar for WAY cheaper.' So I did and I'm going to share it with you! Happy day!

It's nothing fancy, but I'm going to print them off at Walgreens and then write on the back like a postcard. If you want a copy of mine click {HERE} for the JPEG. If you want to see how I made this go to this great site that will walk you through the how-to on

2 sweet comments:

Tami said...

What a cute idea! I love it...

Janae said...

Yours turned out cute! I have often thought about making my own... the ones at the store just aren't as cute as I'd like them to be. :)