Sunday, October 9, 2011

Potato Harvest

I hate to brag, but probably one of the best parts of being a teacher in Idaho is our Potato Harvest Break. We get some time off so the kids can help their neighbors and families dig up all those great Idaho spuds. The amount of time off we get varies in different areas. My husband teaches in a more rural area so he gets off for TWO weeks and my district gets a one week break. Since my childhood bestie is getting married next weekend I used up all my personal days and took a two week break to come to see my family and friend in Ohio. It's been heavenly! I've only thought about school once or twice, but I did go to the Lakeshore Learning store and picked up some goodies. I wasn't totally selfish though, I also picked up something for one of you! So please stay tuned for a giveaway in about a week when I get home and back to reality :o)

P.S. Before anyone does anything drastic and moves to Idaho to enjoy our Harvest Break, I should mention that because of this, we really don't get a spring break. So while I'm loving this now, I'll be crying in April while you all take awesome breaks.

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This just made my day!