Monday, January 16, 2012

Texture Art and an AWESOME gift idea!

Since we don't have an art teacher at our school or district (for elementary at least) our PTO asks for Art Moms (or Dads) to come teach a lesson once a month to the students. This year I totally lucked out and got two fantastic Art Moms.

Last week they taught the kids about using different textures in their art (think Starry Night) and they combined lots of different things into each color of tempera paint. Here are some of the examples. Then they talked about how some paints would be smooth (Dawn, Oil) and some would be rough (Salt, Glitter, Potato Flakes). Then they had the kids do a loopy pencil sketch and paint in each section with a different color.

Don't these just look great?!? I didn't know how they would look on the black paper, but the colors all dried so bright and beautiful!

Today was my husband's birthday and like most men, he's pretty difficult to shop for. So I starting thinking about his gift way back in November. I came across this really cool shop in Etsy and I was able to message Amanda, the owner, and she designed this awesome Darth Vader pattern just for my husband (she now makes them for her shop). Needless to say, my husband LOVED his gift and he's going to hang it in his classroom (he teaches English at the high school).

I highly recommend you stop by and check out Amanda's shop (click on the picture below) and tell her Rachel sent you - who knows - maybe one day in the future we can do a giveaway (please Amanda!). You can also stop by her art blog {HERE}.

P.S. Please check out my post below and leave me some ideas for my upcoming Dr. Seuss Family Reading Night!


  1. We are thrilled that he liked it so much and that we'll be chilling out in a classroom! Thank you so much for the lovely words!

    PS: we'd be happy to do a giveaway for you once we are done with all our consignement orders. I'll msg you!

  2. Great gift idea thanks for shearing this awesome information.


This just made my day!