Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Parent-Teacher Conferences

It's almost that time again! I feel like we just had Parent-Teacher Conference, too. Anywhoo - here's a really simple self evaluation I have the students fill out to discuss with their parents. It's really surprising how hard they can be on themselves. Breaks my heart!

Click on the picture to get your copy.

Also my friend, Nicole, did a post last year about some of her cute ideas for PTC. My favorite that I'll be using this year are the packets of hot chocolate for the parents. It'll be perfect for this extra cold weather! Click on the picture to go to her blog and find the downloads for these.

Finally, don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY {here!}


  1. Thanks for the freebie conference form. I'm printing it now. It will be very interesting to see how my first graders rate themselves.

  2. I like this! It WILL be interesting to see how they rate themseles. We talk a lot at the end of the day about whether they have kept their commitment and been helpful hearts or not. I think some will be hard on themselves but that will be good because I will know who I need to encourage!

    I am a new follower and would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance. I have LOTS and LOTS of *freebies*! =)


  3. I use the same ratings but for pretests, post tests, and they can use them on any assignments as well. It provides me with losts of info and everyone knows what a smiley means!

    @Think, Wonder, & Teach


This just made my day!