Saturday, September 17, 2011

Days of the Week

My kiddos pretty much have the Days of the Week down, but I made this little activity for my visual and kinesthetic learners who need to mix them up and then put them in order.

Super easy and fun. Some of my favorite kinds of activities!

Click {HERE} for your copy.

Also, for Constitution Day my students made these great flag art projects (also great for 9/11 lessons) found at Janae's awesome blog The Sharpened Pencil. I love how different they all turned out. Thanks for sharing Janae!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Rachel. :) I also love your days of the week activity. We usually just do the days of the week during calendar, but this is a great way to assess if they got it or not. Thanks!

    The Sharpened Pencil


This just made my day!