Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Teacher Bag

Tonight I'm joining in Abby's Linky Party over at The Inspired Apple. This is the perfect post to do while I'm watching last night's Glee episode! Anyone else excited that all the good fall shows are finally back?!?

So, here she is! I love this bag. My Mother-in-Law got this for me seven years ago when I was doing my student teaching. It's from GAP, which is why it's held up for so long and is always stylish.

I usually bring home my Houghton Mifflin manual as well as the Saxon Math lesson. Tonight I was working on next weeks objectives that we have to turn into our principal, so I have all of next week's lessons as well.

I kinda have an obsession with my planner. I thought it was just me, but I'm glad to see that so many other people are really into their planners as well. I like "The Green Plan Book." With all the paper I use during the day, it just feels better.

Here's just some other randoms I have in my bag. There are pens, paper clips, and such in there too, but I didn't feel like digging it all out. Sorry if you were really looking forward to seeing my paper clips :o)

Okay, so I know this isn't really inside my teacher bag, but I usually bring this with me too. It's my new fall bag. I saw it at Charming Charlie's and fell in love with the color and cute ruffle. It holds my wallet, phone, and then all my little boy's necessities.

Be sure to head on over to link up your bag!


  1. I loved Glee yesterday!! Have fun watching! :)

  2. That caramel colored purse is darling. I have to find a Charming Charlie's stat!

  3. Totally going to hit up CC to find that fall bag!!!! Looooves it! Thanks for linking up, girl :)

  4. Super cute bag and purse! I love going through all these blogs and getting ideas! I am late to Abby's party, here is my bag


This just made my day!